Silvent Exclusive Distributor Certificate – Vietnam
– Silvent representatives have knowledge and experience from a variety of industries and are happy to help you find the best solution for your blowing application.
– The application of compressed air is used in most of the production processes in the manufacturing industries. By installing air nozzles (Silvent nozzle), air knives, air guns and customized solutions, it is possible to streamline workflow, reduce energy consumption and improve the working environment.
– Areas of use: Compressed air blowing is used in most anufacturing processes for cleaning, drying, cooling, transportation and grading.
Certificate of Exclusive Distributor Silvent Vietnam
How do Silvent products save energy?
– Silvent products are applied Silvent technology to use compressed air in the most economical and effective way. Silvent technology minimizes turbulence and uses co-discharge, which means the nozzle design allows compressed air to take advantage of ambient air.
How do Silvent products reduce noise?
– Open tubes are commonly used for blowing with compressed air. This air turbulence creates noise. Silvent products minimize air turbulence and produce even, smooth and straight laminar airflow that reduces noise.
What’s special about Silvent’s products?
– Silvent products combine high blowing force with low noise and low energy consumption. This unique combination is made possible thanks to Silvent’s proprietary technology, called “Silventtekniken”.
What is Silvent InTech?
– InTech is a division of Silvent that deals with blowing applications in steel and aluminum rolling mills. InTech’s main focus is to improve the quality of the customer’s end product.
How can compressed air improve the quality of my steel?
– Compressed air is an effective means of removing scale, water and emulsion from steel. Optimal blow cleaning results in improved quality with fewer surface defects in both hot and cold rolling.
What are the benefits of using compressed air as an energy source?
– Low maintenance costs;
– Can handle high loads for long periods without risk of overheating;
– Easy to store;
– Easy to transport;
– Can be used in production requiring high cleanliness.
How can I purchase Silvent Nozzle products?
Business Office: 28/12B, 32nd Street, Linh Dong Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
* Please contact us for the best service – Put prestige first:
– Mobi phone: 0902 567 181 – Mr Quang
– Email:
– Skype: quang.lgp